Monday, June 15, 2009

2009 Rose City Showcase 2nd day recap

The second weekend in June annually brings some of the best high school basketball players from around the country to match-up with the talent of the Pacific Northwest. Traveling teams converge on Portland, Oregon for the Rose City Showcase, kicking off the AAU summer tournament season. The RCS is one of the premier events for high school seniors and juniors to display their on court prowess in a venue full of knowledgable basketball fans, college coaches and scouts. Top college prospects in the past have featured players like Brandon Roy, Spencer Hawes, Martell Webster, OJ Mayo, Kevin Love, Lance Stephenson, Jrue Holiday, just to name a few. This years group is no less star studded. Teams from Jackson, Misssissippi, Chicago, Illinois, Washington and Oregon make up the super 17 division, playing at Lewis & CLark college for the three day event.

After an opening day of teams and players trying to settle into their games, no player scored more than 19 points on day one. Day two of the 2009 Rose City Showcase saw some outstanding play by individuals and teams alike. In the first game of for the super 17's, Team Oregon and the Emerald City Pioneers of Seattle faced off. Each team coming of a day one loss, looking for their first win. The Pioneers were lead by the 32 points of Keith Stackhouse and 16 points from Brett Kingma. Setting the pace for Team Oregon was Cameron McCaffery, who put up 26 points on day two after an 18 point effort on Friday, 16 of those out of the gate in the first half. In the end, Team Oregon came out on top 87-77 to move into the consolation game on Sunday.

Game two saw Team Access from Federal Way, Washington and MBA Elite from Jackson, Mississippi. Another match-up of teams looking to secure a win and avoid the "suck it up game" on Sunday. The team from Jackson, after two days of travel to get to Portland and missing three nationally ranked started due to weather related travel problems, made a valiant effort with only seven players. Top ranked small forward, junior, 6-7 Laquinton Ross from William B Murrah High school in Jackson, MS and 6-6 shooting guard, Rodney Hood showed their talents. Ross taking on the unfamiliar role of point guard lead his team for the second day in a row in scoring with 21 points, after scoring 17 points against Seattle Rotary. His smooth play and confident court demeanor showed why he is considered by many the #1 small forward in the country for the class of 2011. The under manned MBA team kept the game close, playing only 6 players, but Team Access proved too much down the stretch. Access, comprised of players from the Tacoma/Federal Way area of Washington, have six players returning to the 4A defending state champion Federal Way Eagles. Cole Dickerson, looking forward to his senior season, lead Team Access with 19 points going 9-10 from the free throw line, matching his tournament leading 19 points of the previous day.

The third game of the day, put day one winners, Friends of Hoop from Seattle against the Derrick Rose All-Stars from Chicago, Illinois. For the second day in a row, the Chicago team played unselfish, getting points from everyone on the roster and moving the ball around the floor. In their day one win over Team Oregon, the All-Stars had four players in double digits and secured a 76-42 win. The balanced scoring on day two came up short 58-69. Point guard, Aaron Bright led the Friends team with 19 points and Ryan Nicholas added 16 to help their team move onto the championship game Sunday evening.

In the final game of day two, Seattle Rotary and Portland's I-5 Elite battled early and often. Stephen Madison got the Portland team team off to a quick start with four 3's and 16 points overall in the first half. I-5 Elite went into half-time up by 7 at 31-24. Coming out strong to start the second half, 6-9/270 lb big Josh Smith, from Kentwood high school got on track tallying 12 of his 18 points, including two big dunks to put Rotary ahead to stay. Garfield junior Tony Wroten contributed 8 first half points and four assists, but had to sit after a drive to the hoop where he went up strong, taking contact and landing hard on the floor banging his head. Wroten returned in the second half and distributed the ball well getting Smith two of his dunks with assists under the rim. Unfortunately, Tony turned his ankle on a hustle play on the baseline which led to another two handed jam by big Josh, but Wroten sat the remainder of the game. It was a two point game half way through the second half, when Dre Winston and Franklin small forward LC White each caught fire and came up with 8 apiece in the final 7:30 minutes. Highly touted Terrence Jones, 6-9 power forward from Jefferson high school, matched his day one performance with 12 points, but the well stocked Portland squad came up short. Seattle Rotary with Smith, Wroten and the final push from Winston and White held off their Portland rivals 67-54. Sending Portland to play in the 3rd/4th place game against the Chicago Derrick Rose All-Stars. After the game Wroten said he would be playing in the championship game on Sunday. With the win, the battle of Seattle teams was set and the 2009 Rose City Showcase championship will pit Seattle Rotary against the Friends of Hoop team from Seattle.

Championship Sunday at Lewis & Clark college will feature all eight teams, beginning at 4:15pm with the "suck it up" game between the Emerald City Pioneers and the team from Jackson, Mississippi MBA Elite. Both teams working to take home their only win of the weekend. Followed by the consolation game at 5:30pm between Team Oregon and Team Access. The 6:45pm game will be played for 3rd and 4th place in this year's tournament put Portland's I-5 Elite team against the Derrick Rose All-Stars. Finishing off a great weekend of high school basketball starting at 8 pm will be the 2009 Rose City Championship, Seattle's Friends of Hoop versus Seattle Rotary to see who will take home the trophy, but more importantly, the bragging rights until the next time these two loaded teams showcase their talents.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Six words...How do you respond...?

This morning I heard someone ask a somber and serious six word question of another. Even though the question was not directed at me, I was amazed at my initial response. The question brought an immediate reaction from my physical body and a sensation which can only be described as profound. I was touched... In the same moment my spiritual self was awoken in a manner which came from deep within and radiated to my extremities in concert with the physical reaction. It was all I could do to restrain myself and not shout out my response to the question, for everyone in the room to hear. Even as I tried to contain my outburst the answer rose to my lips and forced it's way out, although without the energy and volume that was reverberating in my skull. As I look back I am not sure why I felt the need for such restraint? None the less it was audible enough for those nearby to hear me. The sheer internal joy and exuberance at my reaction put a smile on my face, which in turn drew the attention of more than one other patron. The man nearest me did turn and give me a look before going back to his own interests, as my smile lingered.

The question was not spoken aloud, but in my headset as I was listening while working out. The question as I said was not directed at me, but hearing it in such an intimate way struck such a chord in me. The intense response was like the sound waves of a large Chinese gong being struck. The sensation lasting only a few seconds but undoubtedly striking me to the core of my being. Six words spoken solemnly, directly, without emotion, but with respect and regard, six simple words that can leave a person shaken or shaking. Six simple words without adjective, adverb or inflextion.

What was the question? Why did it leave me feeling the way I did? As I have been on this journey over the previous 5 months, I have striven to find my focus, mentally, spiritually and physically. As I near my 46th birthday, I realize that the journey has actually been on going my entire life. Each challenge an opportunity to prove myself to myself and to build my character by the decisions I make and the paths I choose to follow. Where am I truly headed now? is not the six word question that woke me up this morning.

"Do you believe in GOD, sir?" That was the question....

How do you respond? Not with a response about who or what God is to you, or how you think others expect you to respond, but the simple straightforward answer. No political correctness or socially acceptable soft shoe answer, dancing around the core of the issue. Just the plain truth, pure and simple...Do YOU believe in GOD? Is it an easy answer? Is it an answer filled with doubt, filled with qualifications and clarifications? Or, is it an answer rooted in your heart, filled with light and joy. How does this question make you feel? Uncomfortable, squeamish, unsure, filled with doubt, dread and fear of the future....or BOLD, CONFIDENT, JOYFUL filled with light, love and an open heart ready for the grace and mercy that is GOD.

My reaction was an awesome feeling, I felt the touch of GOD, a tingling sensation radiating from within me. Energizing me, filling me with inspiration. Spiraling out from my heart, a joyous, electrically charged sense of well being and lightness, flowing through my body to my fingertips and toes. I was more than half way through my workout, with a serious sweat on, my heart rate up and my muscles working hard. The feeling of happiness and love spread over my entire body, making me smile, making me say aloud, " YES! I BELIEVE IN GOD!" The thrill of having the question presented in such an unexpected way, out of the blue and without preamble. Causing a spontaneous response in me that did not allow for time to reflect or react. No one but me heard the question, no one but me and GOD. The joy of knowing that YES I DO BELIEVE. Just writing down the experience here causes a similar reaction, less intense by ten-fold, but still drawing me to the realization that I am truly on a walk with GOD and all that I do is for his glory. The sensation of being touched in such a way was both spiritual and physical. Unfortunately, trying to describe it in such a way as to pass on the spectacular level of complete well being that came over me is falling way short. Just as any relationship is profoundly personal between the individuals, finding yourself in a relationship with GOD is infinitely more personal.

I take extreme comfort from knowing that without a doubt I believe in GOD and all that entails. I also realize, that as a human I am full of flaws and will always fall short of the ideal. The beauty of knowing GOD is that even with all of my faults and failings, I am unconditionally loved, given gifts, talents and abilities, by grace and mercy, not by merit. I am approved without having to earn approval from my peers, parents, friends or anyone. I am a humble servant, here to help where I can, to make an impact for GOD and good at each opportunity without reservation. That I am charged with living well and building a testimony for GOD. That I am at peace with who I am becoming and the committment to not be the man I once was, striving to improve daily.

That's what has been on my mind all day long, it's so nice to have a place to share - I look forward to the next time GOD puts in my mind words that need to be written. Until next time, Be Blessed and Be a Blessing...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't let them tell you it's easy...

Just about 4 months ago I embarked on a journey to improve myself. After celebrating my wife's birthday, I realized that I had fallen into the trap of complancency. As with many other days in the previous eight to ten years I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 240 something. Nothing really unusual about that as I had been bouncing between 242 and 247 for nearly 6 years. This day was different, as a thought jumped to the front of my consciousness. I was going to be 46 in less than 6 months and did I want to be 270 lbs or 200lbs and what was I going to do about it, either way? Continuing as I was without making any effort was gonna get me to the 270 lb mark in the near future...a scary thought in and of itself! The alternative was a change of my thought process, a dedication to making it happen and the effort to follow through with it all. The biggest question, which way was I gonna go? I have spoken about the 21 day fast that started it all, the committment and dedication, the effort and accountability that cemented in the fact that God has given me the ability to make my decisions, create my reality and live my life in a way that I can be proud.

The amount of discipline and self-restraint involved with making the effort to lose weight and stick to a chosen path is unique to each individual who undertakes such a venture. I have heard over and over again from women, that it is easy for men to lose weight. Let me tell you, there is NOTHING easy about it. Unless, you consider not eating any meats, dairy or carbohydrates for 21 days (two separate times), the following it up with 14 weeks of 6am wake up calls, 5 miles and 900 calorie workouts EVERY Monday through Friday without missing a day, fasting at least one day a week...just water or juice (not to mention one stretch of 90 hrs). If you think that is easy then I guess it would be easy for you. For me, it was a constant, daily battle to make decisions that would further my progress and strengthen my resolve.

My goal is to lose 50 pounds total, I was at 47 pounds earlier last week, but finished the week at minus 45 pounds...still have 5 to go. I will get there, just didn't accomplish it by Mother's Day. The nice thing is my wife is still thrilled with the new me and God isn't done yet! I am a work in progress and will continue to make those choices that bring me closer to God and create the me that I see in my mind, creating the reality that I believe in my heart. I am blessed so that I may be a blessing in all that I do. Thank you God for allowing me the opportunity to make a positive impact.

That's what was on my mind this morning...oh yeah and meat! just finished my second 21 day fast and I really am looking forward to a steak tonight! Have a great day and a better week...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Going to Extremes

As I head into the last 6 days of I'm down ten pounds and more importantly God is helping me find my clarity and focus. The determination and commitment to improving myself both physically and spiritually has brought about multiple layers of self awareness and new reserviors of strength to draw upon. Knowing that God is the source of all of my strength and the source of power for me to recharge is a huge advantage in conquering those challenges we are each faced with daily.

Currently, I am on a journey to A) Find my relationship and path with God, to make him my focus B) to lose 50 lbs from my starting weight of 245 lbs, by changing my eating habits and exercising at least 5 times a week. (initially my goal was to be accomplished by my birthday on June 9th which would have given me 5 the time schedule has been moved up to Mother's Day, May 10th, 4 months!) C) to change my outward image and internal perspective on how I live my life daily.

Three worthy and worthwhile goals. Each requiring me to reflect upon myself and my actions, my decisions and continually take stock in where I am at and where I am headed. When combined as a trio these three create a foundation for me to build upon.

Now for the extreme! With only six days to go til Mother's Day I am eight pounds away from my goal weight. Yesterday, I decided it was time to make the sacrifice and commitment to make the final push and attain my goal of presenting my wife with a 50lb lighter husband for Mother's Day! Maybe not the most romantic gift, but one of extreme dedication and devotion to the one I love, the Mother of my children. As of midnight Saturday, I have only had water, juice and broth and plan on 3 days of serious fasting. *If you haven't read the disclaimer and warning in the previous post, please do so now! I know that God is making me better each day and giving me the energy and strength to make those choices which will help me to find my way.

Last week as I was working and praying for revenue streams to be created and sources of income to come into my life, I found myself confronted with an internal conflict I have been battling with for months now. The paradox of God & Self. If God is in my heart and I am working to build a strong relationship with God and Jesus as my focus, to become a humble servant and tool for building God's kingdom. If God is in me and Self is in me, then God = Self. Therefore, there can be NO "self-doubt", "self -sabotage", "negative self-image", because God is a loving, caring, compassionate God, provider, healer, teacher. With that realization, my breakthrough into the light and freedom of letting go of the negativity inside me was breath taking! Thank you God for allowing me on this journey to find my way into the light and become the man of God you knew I could be. No more negative "self" can live within me as GOD fills the darkness with light and hope.

As a new day dawns and the light comes into the world banishing the darkness, I will go forth and conquer the challenges in front of me with a smile and a cheerful heart, joyous in my walk with God and all the goodness He brings. The credit and glory is all for God, I am building a testimony for those who are also trying to find their way! Be blessed in all you do and remember that as we are blessed we are to be a blessing to others!

That's what's on my mind today, we'll see what the day brings and what impact I can make for good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunny Tuesday, day number 2

A spectacular sunrise and wonderful morning, today started out as another day in the life. As I sit here now I am battling feelings of frustration and anger, praying for God to take these from me so that I may focus on the beauty all around me. I need to change my direction and create the revenue streams that will allow me to not be at the whim of freelance crewers. Soon I will be working in freelance only as a break and for fun. Well actually, I'm doing it for the fun right now, but I also NEED the income...

The good news is yesterday was the first day of the fast and I went all in. Only water and juice yesterday. This morning after working out I was 211 on the scale and looking forward to a spinach salad for lunch and a day at the ballpark. It will be a test to stay away from the hotdogs, soda and ice cream, but keeping God as my focus and my accountability partner will keep me strong and on the path to finding my spiritual center and the destiny God has planned for me.

Awesome, a couple of paragraphs and a few deep breaths and I've got a smile back on my face and a fresh perspective on the day. Thank you God for always being there, even when I'm being a big baby!

That's what was on my mind just a little bit I'm taking Champ over to his St. Bernard friend Cesar's to play while I head up to Safeco to work the Mariners game. A beautiful day the sun shining, the birds chirping and a full bottle of water - I am set...

Be Blessed, ask the Lord for guidance and listen to His response...everything will be just fine!

Monday, April 20, 2009

21 days to a better me!

Here we go again! On January 18th I began a journey to find the man I wanted to be inside the one wrapped in layers of winter insulation (ok fat). I was 245 lbs and not liking the way I looked. More importantly, I felt the call of the Lord on my life to make some changes. The first change was to get my body in shape and prepare me for the challenges ahead. So with the support of my friend, I committed to a 21 day fast of vegetables, fruits, nuts, juice, broth and water. Essentially, Daniel's fast from the bible, you can google it and find all sorts of information. Modifying it to just veggies, nuts, juice, broth and water, I ended up losing 18 lbs in 21 days. Keep in mind the focus of the fast is NOT the weight loss, rather a cleansing of my spirit to bring my focus to the Lord and strengthen my relationship with God.

I have always had a good relationship with God. Even as a rebellious twenty something in college, I spoke with God often. I resisted his call and pretended not to hear, as I pursued personal gratification and pushed the envelope to see how far He would let me go. (Another story for another day)

Today I am embarking on another 21 day fast, this time with the knowledge of my first experience and 10 weeks of Monday through Friday workouts and the fellowship of men from our men's breakfast. So, I guess more correctly WE are embarking on this fast. We have made it open to all sorts of options, some are doing a media fast, staying away from the news, others are starting slow with just sacrificing their caffeine and sugar addictions. Me, I am going back to the tried and true - veggies, nuts, juice, broth and water for the next 3 weeks. The focus is my spiritual well being and building the foundation stronger for my relationship with God. I am seeking the path that God has planned for me, searching for the destiny He has in store.

Today, I am 213.5 lbs with the joy of the Lord in my heart and a determination to become the man God wants me to be. I will overcome the challenges of unemployment. I will continue to get up at 6am to workout and face the day with a smile, my head held high and my eyes open for the opportunities God presents me. I am blessed so that I can be a blessing to others. I am approved by God and therefore need not spend my time seeking or trying to earn approval from others. It's nearly 6pm and today I chose to only do water and juice to start this journey.

Tomorrow, if I am blessed with another day, will be an opportunity to impact those I come in contact with in a positive way. I thank God for allowing me to find my way to Him and the strength to choose what is right, caring and compassionate in the way I deal with people. Help me to stay strong in the face of adversity and challenges, to boldly face my weaknesses and build my true self in a manner that will keep me on the path to the blessings God has in store for me.

That's what's on my mind today (right now the pasta my wife just warmed up in taking my attention it smells awesome!) stay strong ...we'll see what tomorrow brings...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Find your stride...

Some days are just that way, you wake up with things to do people to see and a list of demands on your plate...BUT you just to don't feel like doing anything for anyone or even yourself. You just want to crawl back in bed, pull the covers up, keep the blinds drawn and sleep for awhile longer. Just a little longer, put off all that's out there and let the world wait.

NO WAY!!!! God did not give me this day to hide myself away. I hear the whisper of the promise of the new day, tickling my brain, urging me to get myself up. Attack the morning and find my stride for a glorious day of challenges and opportunities to face and overcome. This past Sunday was Easter. A day of rememberance and recognition for the love God showed mankind by giving his only son to take the burden of our sins upon himself for all of us. My pastor spoke to us about approval and the fact the God does not doubly judge our sins. Jesus has already been judged for all the sins we have committed, are committing and will commit. Therefore, we are already stamped with God's approval. If God has approved me already, I have no need to seek or gain approval from those around me. To spend my time doing things looking for others to give me credit or a pat on the back, seeking acceptance from bosses, co-workers, friends or family are actions that only re-enforce the fact that I have yet to accept that I am approved already! By heading down that path I will find the morning where staying in bed sounds like the best option...

THAT will NEVER be ME!!! I AM APPROVED!!!!! I believe in my heart that God has put his stamp of approval on me. With that belief comes the realization that I am only accountable to myself and GOD in all I do.

As the dawn breaks I hear the whisper of the sunrise, as the first rays crest the ridge of the Cascades and light begins to fill the day. As darkness retreats from the light, I get my workout clothes on, fill my water bottle, grab my towel and keys, then off to the club, banishing the calls of my pillow and warm bed. Ignoring the sleepy looks of a 100 pound puppy who is not ready to get up. Reaffirming myself that I am on the right track. God has shown me that I have self-discipline and self-motivation and the "self" is the power of God in my life. No one can take away your "self" unless you surrender it to them. No one can ever take away my "self" because I have already surrendered it,TO GOD. A paradox of sorts, I recognize, but I like to look at it more as a perpetual motion machine, feeding on itself, creating motion and maintaining momentum. Bringing me to places and insights that I could never have reached on my own.

Thank you God for your approval and stamp of love and caring on my life, for bringing me to places where I could not go alone, I accept the responsibility of your approval and will continually endeavour to be the example of your compassion, faith, hope and acceptance for others to see....

That's what I was thinking this morning...what comes next is anyones guess...get out of bed, face it head on and find your stride...who knows where the path will take you...

Thank you for taking the time to read this, be blessed and enjoy the day, the smile you give may be the smile you get from an unexpected person!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The cloak of religion...

I have been blessed to find a church that I can call home. A place where the word of God and the scripture of the bible are expressed in terms and ways that I can actually understand and digest. The pastor and each and every speaker bring a dynamic energy to their topic and engage me in a personal dialogue with God. Ours is a Christian church, non-denominational - accepting and open, full of passion and praise, enthusiastic worship and loving and kind fellowship. The blessings I receive from my interactions with volunteers and staff members alike continue to add value to me long after I have gone my own way. The relevant teachings I take with me from each service provide my spirit with nourishment and sustenance, feeding my faith and helping me grow in my relationship with Jesus and God. That is the important thing! Our spirituality and our relationship with God.

I have been blessed the past couple of nights to be asked to record video of the passover services at a Catholic church. I was raised Catholic and had forgotten much of ceremony involved during a typical service, not to the mention the nearly overwhelming tradition embedded within. Tonight I was told by one of the parishoners to put the camera away, that it was very distracting, (i'm using a small dv camera with no light). I apologized and told her I was shooting for the church. She said she didn't care and that I should be respectful and put the camera away. After apologizing a second time, I moved to a position behind her to avoid being a distraction to her. Upon reflection of her attitude I found it rather odd that someone who was so concerned about the service could find such a small issue to become distracted over. That maybe her focus wasn't necessarily on the ceremony and the story of Jesus's crucifixion and his resurrection, but more on finding an excuse to be distracted. In my mind, it doesn't matter what cloak you put around your spirituality, Catholic, Muslim, Lutheran, Protestant, Christian, Mormon or long as you are in the House of God to build a relationship with Him, that is the key. The staging and ceremony, the songs of praise and worship are all just window dressing to help people find the conduit they need to find their path to the Lord. If Latin phraseology and hymnals are what bring you closer to God, then by all means I support your efforts. Each of us as individuals need to find the system that is most palatable and easiest to swallow.

So, in my humble opinion, if you find yourself in church, looking for distractions to keep you from listening to the teachings of the day, maybe you should be focusing instead on listening to your heart and allowing the word of God to speak into you. Church is not a place to go to be seen by friends, there is no one there keeping track of your attendance and attitude. But be assured that there is no hiding the truth that is in you from God. Let your church become a place to actively participate in a full on relationship with God and watch how the distractions will disappear from your line of sight.

Thank you GOD for all you do, I am blessed so that I may be a blessing to others. May you be able to focus on the reason for the season and find happiness this Easter weekend.

Just something that was on my mind...always excited for what tomorrow will bring!

Happy GOOD Friday! and other thoughts...

Habits, routines, ruts, hamster wheels....whatever you choose to call your daily grind (mine used to be a white chocolate mocha, raspberry with whipped cream and a swirl of carmel syrup - another story for another time...).

STOP!!!! first I have to say that the words on the page are the thoughts from my mind which tend to meander and find tangets which have no connection to the original topic or the intended goal when I initially sit down. Any exercise regime or eating patterns that I discuss are not from a personal trainer nor a registered dietician. That being said, I must include this disclaimer - please consult your doctor, pastor, therapist, best friend or a stranger before trying to undertake any of my experiences....I say this as I feel it necessary to document where I have come from and how I got here. Here being today. So, If anyone feels inclined to read what I write and can find a small nugget of wisdom or a gem of faith that brightens their day, if just for a brief instant, the words will be on the page and not just locked away inside my head.

GOD is my focus and all I do is through his grace and mercy shined on my life. The credit is all His, I am but a tool, a humble servant trying to find my way in a world filled with distractions, deceptions and paths that lead to nowhere. I have heard it said that bad habits are hard to break, negative patterns lead to a downward spiral and misery loves company. Well I rebuke those statements! You cannot break any habit bad or good, BUT you can REPLACE any habit with a new one. By changing your mindset and taking a new perspective the same path you have been on looks different. If you open your eyes and lift your head you will notice the wonderful world around you that God had created for each of us to enjoy. Do not let the weight of the world bend your neck so that you can only see the step in front of you. Take off the blinders which inhibit you from looking in new directions. Opportunities are all around you, doors are there to be opened, switches are on the wall to turn on the lights to illuminate your surroundings and disperse the darkness that wants nothing more than to draw you in and feed you complacency.

I sit here right now, sweating...trying not to drip on the key board as I have just come from the gym. The end of my 9th week of monday through friday morning workouts! 45 days in a row without exception or excuse. Today I reached new personal records for distance and calories burned, 5.67 miles and 994 calories in 50 minutes of elipictal workout. When I started my first day I did 4.35 miles and 763 calories in the same amount of time. Small personal goals, attainable goals are necessary to help maintain a positive outlook. When I first started, just getting up at 6am every morning was the goal, let alone getting dressed, driving my car and getting all sweaty before 7:30am. I have lost nearly 35 lbs since January 17th when I weighed in at a hefty 245 lbs - but as I was told at the time "I carried it well". Hahaha - Only with my shirt ON did I even remotely hide it. Those were words of complacency meant to keep me on the same path to nowhere that I was heading.

I have a friend, a God connection friend who in January was doing a modified version of Daniel's fast. A 21 day fast, eating nothing but vegetables, fruits, nuts and drinking only water, juice and broth ( you can google "daniel's fast" and find all kinds of information ). He was on his 8th day when he told me about what he was doing and how he was feeling, how much weight he had lost. We were at our men's club breakfast the next Saturday and he was having sauteed bell peppers, mushrooms, onions on a eggs, no bacon, no chicken fried steak, no potatoes! I was amazed, he is a big man and a healthy eater, by healthy I mean he could pack it away. Seeing his discipline that morning on his 14th day the seed he had planted the previous Sunday, began to germinate in me. The following morning I woke up with the knowledge that I was going to undertake this challenge. Julie being the exceptional wife and support system she has always been gave me her knowing smile and said sure honey whatever you want to do. She has watched me eat and grow to the size I was (because I'm not that size anymore) over the past 25 plus years and has also been around for all the wild ideas that have come through me. I stepped out of the shower and onto the scale and saw the 245 come up, no surprise, I've been in the 240's for almost a decade now. Then off to church we went. I spoke with my friend Mark and told him I was IN, on board and gonna make the effort to committ to 21days. After my google search and a trip to Costco and Summit Trading company,$175 later we were home with a fridge full of veggies and berries, a counter full of fruit and a pantry with an assortment of nuts. The first week was a trial, no meat, no dairy, no bread, no sugar, no caffeine...I must admit I had already been weining myself off the daily pot of coffee generously hidden under a cloak of flavored creamer. But, in all actuality, a couple of bananas in the morning, a nice salad in the afternoon, a full plate of sauteed peppers, rice, cashews and spices wasn't so tough. The real tough part was stepping on the scale after 7 days and seeing that I had lost a total of ONE pound! Unreal, the fruits and rice were adding carbohydrates to my day that I wasn't burning off. I was doing 100 push-ups as a form of exercise, 3 sets of 33 within a 30 mintues time frame just wasnt enough to really make much difference, but it made me feel like I was doing something. With 14 days remaining I decided if I was gonna do this thing and do it right I was gonna go hard core. I went the next 3 days on a true fast, no food, only water, broth and did that spinach salad with the basalmic vinegarette dressing taste good on the 4th day! Skip to the 21st day and low and behold, I had lost 18 lbs (17 in the last 14 days - just wanted to save you the math, as I had already done it). I felt better, my size 38 pants were loose and I was punching new holes in my old belts! I felt good about my accomplishment and wanted to share it with those who asked. To my surprise along with the compliments and pats on the back, came comments of how long it would take to gain back the weight. Stories of others who had made the same efforts and then gained back even more than what they started it! WHAT?!! That wasn't what I wanted to hear.

God had shown me that I possessed the self-discipline, the power to choose my way and to create the person I wanted to be all inside of me. That just because I was hungry that did not mean that I had to eat. My body was just telling me that it was using the energy stored up in me, burning the fat to give me the push I needed. We become conditioned to eat at the first pangs of our stomach. We in the civilized, industrial countries have the abundance and ability to eat whenever the urge strikes. And by looking at America's waistline, the urges are often and rarely disregarded. There is a reason by McDonlad's sign now says "billions and billions served". Oops another tangent...God had shown me that my mind can create the reality that I live in. My choices to become better, to improve my physical self and transform the body that I had essentially neglected were nothing more than choices. Just as the choice to choose Jesus as my savior and guide, to allow God into my heart, into my life to make me better, were all choices that I alone had to make. The decision to undertake this fast and be accountable to only myself and God was only another small decision to keep my feet on the path of the Lord. To choose my steps to find my way to the destiny he has planned for me.

It started with a 21 day fast to determine my inner strength and has now become a foundation of the testimony that I am building to show the world the glory that is God, the wonder of having faith and hope, the joy of being in the love and light of such a generous God.

Just a few thought for the morning, who knows what the rest of the day will bring...Happy Good Friday all, be blessed in all you do...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ok GOD I'm here, what do I do now?!!!

The power to choose is the greatest power God has given each of us. We create the world in which we live by making the thousands upon thousands of choices each day. What to eat, what to wear, whether we are even going to get up today...each choice we make determines the direction we will go. These days of economic upheaval and hardship, the trauma of losing an income or worse yet a loved one, the erosion going on all around us in every facet of our lives creates a negative vortex trying to swallow the goodness and hope like a black hole in space devouring whatever comes within it's gravitational pull. Watch to news on television and all you see is heartache, violence and despair. It's all "bad news".

I say ENOUGH!!!! Stand up for what is good, what is right, what is decent, loving, kind and gracious... Let the world know that you are not going to be defeated by the dark. Faith and hope are the life lines to optimism and accomplishment. God is a provider, a healer, a teacher and loving, caring parent. He wants only success and good things for us. He has given each of us gifts and talents, abilities and skills that we may or may not realize we have. It is by His grace and his mercy that each of us are saved, if only we make the CHOICE to ask. How we use our abilities, talents and gifts is our decision. The life each of us has created is formed from those decisions we have already made. Even by refusing to choose, we make a choice. By helping others, we help ourselves. The extension of a hand lifted in a quest for help can only be grasped by the hand extended in support. The strength we draw from one another flows directly from God. As each of us chooses to make the effort to pick each other up we are providing a foundation for the other to stand on, a shoulder to lean on. As a man who builds his house on the firm bedrock knows that his efforts will remain standing and therefore be there when his brother calls for him, the man who erects a hut on shifting sand will find the ever constant battle of trying to maintain his balance and his efforts will be wasted. God is the bedrock which all faith and hope is built on. Through Him success is inevitable. He is a God of love and compassion, a God of truth and goodnes. God does not want to see us suffer, He does not want to see us in pain or poverty. The choices we make lead us down those paths. The never ending struggle of keeping our house from succumbing to the shifting sands keeps our attention away from the truth that God is there for us, ALWAYS.

As I pour out my thoughts and look for the answers to questions I have yet to ask, my mind wanders to people and situations where my decisions have not been made out of love or compassion. Where selfishness and ego, pride and disregard for others put me in a position to choose what I wanted rather than what was good and right. Self gratification and "getting mine"where the focus instead of how I could help. That was the way I once was...

Four days ago I had an anniversary, no one knew about it, there was no cake , no party, no celebration, but it was an important event none the less. It was the 5th year of me giving my life back to God and accepting Jesus as my saviour and leader in my life. I am so very blessed in so many ways that it nearly brings tears to my eyes just trying to count them all. Tonight, before I go to sleep I just want to THANK YOU GOD for everything you do for me, the big and the small and ask you to let me be your servant, to remain humble and know that as each challenge is overcome and each success gained, it is all for Your glory and all of the credit if Yours. I am building a testimony of Your greatness and all the good that comes from You. Let me be the shining example of what You can do for those who hold Your love, Your faith, Your hope in their hearts and refuse to give in to the negative influences surrounding us today. If You bless me with another day, let me be impactful, let me face my adversaries with a strong heart, head held high, as a warrior for GOD and a warrior for GOOD!

These are just a few things on my mind right now...tomorrow there will be more....