Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ok GOD I'm here, what do I do now?!!!

The power to choose is the greatest power God has given each of us. We create the world in which we live by making the thousands upon thousands of choices each day. What to eat, what to wear, whether we are even going to get up today...each choice we make determines the direction we will go. These days of economic upheaval and hardship, the trauma of losing an income or worse yet a loved one, the erosion going on all around us in every facet of our lives creates a negative vortex trying to swallow the goodness and hope like a black hole in space devouring whatever comes within it's gravitational pull. Watch to news on television and all you see is heartache, violence and despair. It's all "bad news".

I say ENOUGH!!!! Stand up for what is good, what is right, what is decent, loving, kind and gracious... Let the world know that you are not going to be defeated by the dark. Faith and hope are the life lines to optimism and accomplishment. God is a provider, a healer, a teacher and loving, caring parent. He wants only success and good things for us. He has given each of us gifts and talents, abilities and skills that we may or may not realize we have. It is by His grace and his mercy that each of us are saved, if only we make the CHOICE to ask. How we use our abilities, talents and gifts is our decision. The life each of us has created is formed from those decisions we have already made. Even by refusing to choose, we make a choice. By helping others, we help ourselves. The extension of a hand lifted in a quest for help can only be grasped by the hand extended in support. The strength we draw from one another flows directly from God. As each of us chooses to make the effort to pick each other up we are providing a foundation for the other to stand on, a shoulder to lean on. As a man who builds his house on the firm bedrock knows that his efforts will remain standing and therefore be there when his brother calls for him, the man who erects a hut on shifting sand will find the ever constant battle of trying to maintain his balance and his efforts will be wasted. God is the bedrock which all faith and hope is built on. Through Him success is inevitable. He is a God of love and compassion, a God of truth and goodnes. God does not want to see us suffer, He does not want to see us in pain or poverty. The choices we make lead us down those paths. The never ending struggle of keeping our house from succumbing to the shifting sands keeps our attention away from the truth that God is there for us, ALWAYS.

As I pour out my thoughts and look for the answers to questions I have yet to ask, my mind wanders to people and situations where my decisions have not been made out of love or compassion. Where selfishness and ego, pride and disregard for others put me in a position to choose what I wanted rather than what was good and right. Self gratification and "getting mine"where the focus instead of how I could help. That was the way I once was...

Four days ago I had an anniversary, no one knew about it, there was no cake , no party, no celebration, but it was an important event none the less. It was the 5th year of me giving my life back to God and accepting Jesus as my saviour and leader in my life. I am so very blessed in so many ways that it nearly brings tears to my eyes just trying to count them all. Tonight, before I go to sleep I just want to THANK YOU GOD for everything you do for me, the big and the small and ask you to let me be your servant, to remain humble and know that as each challenge is overcome and each success gained, it is all for Your glory and all of the credit if Yours. I am building a testimony of Your greatness and all the good that comes from You. Let me be the shining example of what You can do for those who hold Your love, Your faith, Your hope in their hearts and refuse to give in to the negative influences surrounding us today. If You bless me with another day, let me be impactful, let me face my adversaries with a strong heart, head held high, as a warrior for GOD and a warrior for GOOD!

These are just a few things on my mind right now...tomorrow there will be more....

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