Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't let them tell you it's easy...

Just about 4 months ago I embarked on a journey to improve myself. After celebrating my wife's birthday, I realized that I had fallen into the trap of complancency. As with many other days in the previous eight to ten years I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 240 something. Nothing really unusual about that as I had been bouncing between 242 and 247 for nearly 6 years. This day was different, as a thought jumped to the front of my consciousness. I was going to be 46 in less than 6 months and did I want to be 270 lbs or 200lbs and what was I going to do about it, either way? Continuing as I was without making any effort was gonna get me to the 270 lb mark in the near future...a scary thought in and of itself! The alternative was a change of my thought process, a dedication to making it happen and the effort to follow through with it all. The biggest question, which way was I gonna go? I have spoken about the 21 day fast that started it all, the committment and dedication, the effort and accountability that cemented in the fact that God has given me the ability to make my decisions, create my reality and live my life in a way that I can be proud.

The amount of discipline and self-restraint involved with making the effort to lose weight and stick to a chosen path is unique to each individual who undertakes such a venture. I have heard over and over again from women, that it is easy for men to lose weight. Let me tell you, there is NOTHING easy about it. Unless, you consider not eating any meats, dairy or carbohydrates for 21 days (two separate times), the following it up with 14 weeks of 6am wake up calls, 5 miles and 900 calorie workouts EVERY Monday through Friday without missing a day, fasting at least one day a week...just water or juice (not to mention one stretch of 90 hrs). If you think that is easy then I guess it would be easy for you. For me, it was a constant, daily battle to make decisions that would further my progress and strengthen my resolve.

My goal is to lose 50 pounds total, I was at 47 pounds earlier last week, but finished the week at minus 45 pounds...still have 5 to go. I will get there, just didn't accomplish it by Mother's Day. The nice thing is my wife is still thrilled with the new me and God isn't done yet! I am a work in progress and will continue to make those choices that bring me closer to God and create the me that I see in my mind, creating the reality that I believe in my heart. I am blessed so that I may be a blessing in all that I do. Thank you God for allowing me the opportunity to make a positive impact.

That's what was on my mind this morning...oh yeah and meat! just finished my second 21 day fast and I really am looking forward to a steak tonight! Have a great day and a better week...

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