Monday, April 20, 2009

21 days to a better me!

Here we go again! On January 18th I began a journey to find the man I wanted to be inside the one wrapped in layers of winter insulation (ok fat). I was 245 lbs and not liking the way I looked. More importantly, I felt the call of the Lord on my life to make some changes. The first change was to get my body in shape and prepare me for the challenges ahead. So with the support of my friend, I committed to a 21 day fast of vegetables, fruits, nuts, juice, broth and water. Essentially, Daniel's fast from the bible, you can google it and find all sorts of information. Modifying it to just veggies, nuts, juice, broth and water, I ended up losing 18 lbs in 21 days. Keep in mind the focus of the fast is NOT the weight loss, rather a cleansing of my spirit to bring my focus to the Lord and strengthen my relationship with God.

I have always had a good relationship with God. Even as a rebellious twenty something in college, I spoke with God often. I resisted his call and pretended not to hear, as I pursued personal gratification and pushed the envelope to see how far He would let me go. (Another story for another day)

Today I am embarking on another 21 day fast, this time with the knowledge of my first experience and 10 weeks of Monday through Friday workouts and the fellowship of men from our men's breakfast. So, I guess more correctly WE are embarking on this fast. We have made it open to all sorts of options, some are doing a media fast, staying away from the news, others are starting slow with just sacrificing their caffeine and sugar addictions. Me, I am going back to the tried and true - veggies, nuts, juice, broth and water for the next 3 weeks. The focus is my spiritual well being and building the foundation stronger for my relationship with God. I am seeking the path that God has planned for me, searching for the destiny He has in store.

Today, I am 213.5 lbs with the joy of the Lord in my heart and a determination to become the man God wants me to be. I will overcome the challenges of unemployment. I will continue to get up at 6am to workout and face the day with a smile, my head held high and my eyes open for the opportunities God presents me. I am blessed so that I can be a blessing to others. I am approved by God and therefore need not spend my time seeking or trying to earn approval from others. It's nearly 6pm and today I chose to only do water and juice to start this journey.

Tomorrow, if I am blessed with another day, will be an opportunity to impact those I come in contact with in a positive way. I thank God for allowing me to find my way to Him and the strength to choose what is right, caring and compassionate in the way I deal with people. Help me to stay strong in the face of adversity and challenges, to boldly face my weaknesses and build my true self in a manner that will keep me on the path to the blessings God has in store for me.

That's what's on my mind today (right now the pasta my wife just warmed up in taking my attention it smells awesome!) stay strong ...we'll see what tomorrow brings...

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