Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunny Tuesday, day number 2

A spectacular sunrise and wonderful morning, today started out as another day in the life. As I sit here now I am battling feelings of frustration and anger, praying for God to take these from me so that I may focus on the beauty all around me. I need to change my direction and create the revenue streams that will allow me to not be at the whim of freelance crewers. Soon I will be working in freelance only as a break and for fun. Well actually, I'm doing it for the fun right now, but I also NEED the income...

The good news is yesterday was the first day of the fast and I went all in. Only water and juice yesterday. This morning after working out I was 211 on the scale and looking forward to a spinach salad for lunch and a day at the ballpark. It will be a test to stay away from the hotdogs, soda and ice cream, but keeping God as my focus and my accountability partner will keep me strong and on the path to finding my spiritual center and the destiny God has planned for me.

Awesome, a couple of paragraphs and a few deep breaths and I've got a smile back on my face and a fresh perspective on the day. Thank you God for always being there, even when I'm being a big baby!

That's what was on my mind just a little bit ago...now I'm taking Champ over to his St. Bernard friend Cesar's to play while I head up to Safeco to work the Mariners game. A beautiful day the sun shining, the birds chirping and a full bottle of water - I am set...

Be Blessed, ask the Lord for guidance and listen to His response...everything will be just fine!

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