Thursday, June 4, 2009

Six words...How do you respond...?

This morning I heard someone ask a somber and serious six word question of another. Even though the question was not directed at me, I was amazed at my initial response. The question brought an immediate reaction from my physical body and a sensation which can only be described as profound. I was touched... In the same moment my spiritual self was awoken in a manner which came from deep within and radiated to my extremities in concert with the physical reaction. It was all I could do to restrain myself and not shout out my response to the question, for everyone in the room to hear. Even as I tried to contain my outburst the answer rose to my lips and forced it's way out, although without the energy and volume that was reverberating in my skull. As I look back I am not sure why I felt the need for such restraint? None the less it was audible enough for those nearby to hear me. The sheer internal joy and exuberance at my reaction put a smile on my face, which in turn drew the attention of more than one other patron. The man nearest me did turn and give me a look before going back to his own interests, as my smile lingered.

The question was not spoken aloud, but in my headset as I was listening while working out. The question as I said was not directed at me, but hearing it in such an intimate way struck such a chord in me. The intense response was like the sound waves of a large Chinese gong being struck. The sensation lasting only a few seconds but undoubtedly striking me to the core of my being. Six words spoken solemnly, directly, without emotion, but with respect and regard, six simple words that can leave a person shaken or shaking. Six simple words without adjective, adverb or inflextion.

What was the question? Why did it leave me feeling the way I did? As I have been on this journey over the previous 5 months, I have striven to find my focus, mentally, spiritually and physically. As I near my 46th birthday, I realize that the journey has actually been on going my entire life. Each challenge an opportunity to prove myself to myself and to build my character by the decisions I make and the paths I choose to follow. Where am I truly headed now? is not the six word question that woke me up this morning.

"Do you believe in GOD, sir?" That was the question....

How do you respond? Not with a response about who or what God is to you, or how you think others expect you to respond, but the simple straightforward answer. No political correctness or socially acceptable soft shoe answer, dancing around the core of the issue. Just the plain truth, pure and simple...Do YOU believe in GOD? Is it an easy answer? Is it an answer filled with doubt, filled with qualifications and clarifications? Or, is it an answer rooted in your heart, filled with light and joy. How does this question make you feel? Uncomfortable, squeamish, unsure, filled with doubt, dread and fear of the future....or BOLD, CONFIDENT, JOYFUL filled with light, love and an open heart ready for the grace and mercy that is GOD.

My reaction was an awesome feeling, I felt the touch of GOD, a tingling sensation radiating from within me. Energizing me, filling me with inspiration. Spiraling out from my heart, a joyous, electrically charged sense of well being and lightness, flowing through my body to my fingertips and toes. I was more than half way through my workout, with a serious sweat on, my heart rate up and my muscles working hard. The feeling of happiness and love spread over my entire body, making me smile, making me say aloud, " YES! I BELIEVE IN GOD!" The thrill of having the question presented in such an unexpected way, out of the blue and without preamble. Causing a spontaneous response in me that did not allow for time to reflect or react. No one but me heard the question, no one but me and GOD. The joy of knowing that YES I DO BELIEVE. Just writing down the experience here causes a similar reaction, less intense by ten-fold, but still drawing me to the realization that I am truly on a walk with GOD and all that I do is for his glory. The sensation of being touched in such a way was both spiritual and physical. Unfortunately, trying to describe it in such a way as to pass on the spectacular level of complete well being that came over me is falling way short. Just as any relationship is profoundly personal between the individuals, finding yourself in a relationship with GOD is infinitely more personal.

I take extreme comfort from knowing that without a doubt I believe in GOD and all that entails. I also realize, that as a human I am full of flaws and will always fall short of the ideal. The beauty of knowing GOD is that even with all of my faults and failings, I am unconditionally loved, given gifts, talents and abilities, by grace and mercy, not by merit. I am approved without having to earn approval from my peers, parents, friends or anyone. I am a humble servant, here to help where I can, to make an impact for GOD and good at each opportunity without reservation. That I am charged with living well and building a testimony for GOD. That I am at peace with who I am becoming and the committment to not be the man I once was, striving to improve daily.

That's what has been on my mind all day long, it's so nice to have a place to share - I look forward to the next time GOD puts in my mind words that need to be written. Until next time, Be Blessed and Be a Blessing...

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