Friday, January 7, 2011

the story continues... (from Nov. 17, 2010)

So many people coming and going it was easy for her to blend into the bustling crowd. It wasn't a large town, but just like any rural community, people went about their business with an almost drone like quality. Going through the motions of their daily routines without hardly a notice to the world around them. The monotony and slow pace of the country lifestyle had a way of creating a comfortable rut for the folks in these parts. That suited her purposes better than anyone knew.

She was here to perform a specific task. For her it was more than just a job, more than the duty and responsibility bestowed upon each Reinsertion Facilitator, she handled each of her touched with the greatest care. Her concern and attention to the small details also made her one of the best at successful reinsertions and acceptance. Jessica drew on her own experience whenever she was handling a newly touched. Each RF was chosen from the group of touched within the boundaries from which they were recovered. Mental acuity, the ability to accept and process the experience and the adaptability to incorporate the heightened senses without mental overload were the key factors in being selected and trained as a Reinsertion Facilitator.

She was always amazed at the blessings she now could perceive all around her that other people were still blind to. She felt sorry for the multitudes of souls who would never gain the insight and inner peace that she knew was available to them, if they only chose to open their eyes to see. As an RF she was sent to guide and help lessen the shock that a newly touched invariably struggled to wrap their mind around. The human brain is such a complex and unique work of mastery from the Great Maker. Although the substance of the brain is identical from a physical make-up perspective, the thought patterns and emotional development of every man, woman and child on planet Earth created the their own signature. Not unlike at written autograph, each person on the planet, through their conscious actions create an energy that is uniquely their own. Just as a fingerprint is singular, an energy signature is also unable to impersonated or copied. On the contrary, a soul's energy signature was in a state of constant flux. For her it flowed around the touched in a visible cloud of color. The infinite diversity a testament to the awe inspiring greatness of the Great Maker.

His name was Douglas and he looked as if he was beginning to find his own way back. That was always preferable to her in the newly touched she handled. If one could emerge from the labyrinth of their own mind without a guide, then the odds where incredibly increased that a successful reinsertion could be achieve. Jessica had hoped that Douglas was as strong inside as she had felt upon his being brought to her attention. The process wasn't extravagant nor particularly secretive, it was just that society had chosen not to see her for what she had become.

Reading the local newspaper she kept an eye on him as he tried the coffee she had sent over to him and saw the grimace cloud his face. The waitress who was more in tune than most untouched, was also keeping an eye on him and responded quickly to his request for cream and sugar. Jessica saw the tension leave her shoulders and her energy signature shifted to a cooler, deeper blue of contentment. Jessica could hear what he said to her, but she brought him back cream and sugar for his coffee. For an instant their eyes locked and the connection was made, if he was strong enough and had the will power to force the new gifts into their rightful and proper place, Doug might be able to be recruited into the ranks of the RF's. But, that was jumping the gun, her primary objective was to make sure that he was stable, clear and focused on gaining his memory of the recent past. The more each touched was able to remember became another rock to build upon. Eventually, with enough information out there to draw from a "new normal" lifestyle for the touched would catch like wildfire.

She sipped her coffee and turned the page of the paper, there below the fold on page three was an article about a skier who had gone out of bounds in the back country of Snoqualmie and disappeared almost 4 days ago. The picture didn't do justice to the man sitting across the diner from her, it was a few years old, but it was for certain him. Jessica wasn't ready to make the first cc (conscious contact). It was crucial, almost mission critical for the first cc to be seen as a chance encounter. She wasn't sure, but she thought Doug might have been sand bagging it a bit while trying to get his mind clear to remember what he was doing in the diner and how he had gotten there.

Jessica stopped Wanda as she passed and said she would like to send over breakfast to the man across the bar, "Yes" she replied, "The same man I just sent the coffee to. Did he say anything to you about who he was or why he was here or where he came from?"

"No darlin," Wanda replied. " It was all he could do to lift his head and thank me for the coffee, I wasn't even sure he could talk, but he sure is cute now isn't her?" A little red rose to Wanda's cheeks as she spoke of Doug. She was a natural, untouched but in tune, more common in the rural areas and especially among the service oriented individuals. Still a very small percentage, but so startlingly refreshing, Jessica could draw reserves from them while also gearing herself up for what she prayed would not be a tragedy in the making.

She closed her eyes to bring herself into focus, when a hand rested lightly on her shoulder. The initial and unexpected contact nearly jolted her off her stool. She regained her composure quickly as she turned to see who was behind her. There stood Doug, tall, lean, muscular, his stance non-threatening and the look on his face searching. He was still trying to find his way she could tell, but the connection had been made and it was now up to her to bring him the rest of the way. She smiled at him. A smile that she knew carried power, that would put him at ease and allow her to coax from him a thread of energy she could begin weaving into their bond. Once the bond was established she would be able to really get down to the details of facilitating his reinsertion.

"Can I help you?" she asked as her smile penetrated his defenses. She could feel his wariness and realized that he had acted out of impulse rather than conscious action. His instincts were good and that boded well for the rest of their encounter. " You look like you could use some breakfast and someone to talk to. Will you sit down here and let me buy you something?"

"Do we know each other? I mean, I thought I recognized you when our eyes met, but know that I am here I'm not so sure. I didn't mean to scare you, but I really could use someone to talk to, you see I'm not sure who I am or how I got here?"

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