Wednesday, January 5, 2011

He's a big yellow dog!.

Enough already about me and my patience exercises and what goes on in a typical day in my life. Today was another long day, got up at 6:15am took my wife to work. It is still really dark at that time of day and fairly cold too. We have a yellow lab as a pet, not a small dog by any means, he tips the scale at just about 110 lbs. This week as I have been taking my wife to work I have taken Champ with me to go for a ride. He is the most expressive dog. His complete joy at going for a ride is a sight to behold. The big yellow head sticking out the back window of my black car with tinted windows is kinda funny. His tongue hanging out, the smile on his face in unmistakable.

On a normal day when I am not working or on a schedule that has me home part of the morning, Champ and I head out to one of the parks in our area and I throw his soft frisbee for him. He loves to run hard and snatch the flying disc out of the air. His head held high and his tail sticking straight up as he returns, the bounce in his step is so profound and his unrestrained joy brings a smile to my face after every toss. He goes and goes without stopping until he decides that he's had enough and he just looks at me with that "okay I'm done" look. Breathing hard and his legs shaking from the exertion, the joy of being out and playing comes off him in waves. His big brown eyes full of expression, seem to look right into me, making me feel good for taking the time to get out and play with him.

A dog's life is simple, eat, sleep, play, poop and be with his people. Champ likes nothing more than to just be with us. It really doesn't matter what we are doing as long as he can be near us. Each afternoon when we come home he is there waiting, although he waits in our bedroom for me and he goes to the garage door when my wife comes home. I don't take it personal, its just that he likes my wife better! Having a pet is awesome. Of course, there are the obligatory responsibilities that come with having a pet, especially on like Champ. He needs to go outside first thing in the morning and when he comes back in, it's time for him to be fed. Routine is very important to having a healthy, happy dog in the house. Outside play time and just loving interaction are basic requirements of each and every day. So off I go to get Champ off the bed out of my spot and snuggle in for a the night. Yes, every night Champ is the first one on the bed before either my wife or I can get under the covers. When he stretches out, he can easily take up half of our queen size bed. Thank God that he is such a good dog and gets down onto his own bed when I come into the room and tell him it's my turn. He's our big yellow dog and we love him!

Sheesh, my train of thought is all over the place and I am rambling...tomorrow is the Puyallup Viking vs Rogers Rams boys basketball game, a rivalry that is always fun to attend. I am blessed to be on the mic and need to get to bed so that I can get some decent sleep before getting up tomorrow to do it all over again. Tomorrow will probably be a recap of the game from the public address announcers perspective.

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