Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011...Just a few quick thoughts

It is funny to me that whenever I make decisions and choose a certain path or plan out an attack on an area of my life that needs improving, the moment the decision is made things start popping up that either emphasize my deficiencies or weaknesses and try to derail my motivation from the get go.

Yesterday, I spoke about patience and needing to take the time to be more patient, to slow down and take a deep breath. This goes with being more understanding of others and trying not to become overwhelmed by their needs or conversely intimidating them into succumbing to my wishes. I have been employed the past couple of days as a runner/pa for NBC getting the Sunday Night Football crew ready for the game tonight. My boss, who works directly with her boss who shares the trailer with the executive director of the network is very understandably picky about the way things are done and the appearance of things. In addition, she is the person everyone comes to that needs something (new light bulbs, nuts, bolts, etc.) these tasks then are delegated to each of her assistants (runners/pas). Today, I am not working for her, but for the broadcast itself, my call time is noon, but I just received a call from her asking when I would be in as she would like me to do a "few" things for her. I already have on my plate from yesterday to stop at Costco and renew their membership and I had to stop at a restaurant last night and pick up two orders of al dente spaghetti for her to serve today...I will be patient and understanding, I am here to help and today I will do my best to help as many people as I can.

Not knowing how the day ahead will go in terms of when I will be home tonight, it will probably be after midnight, I wanted to make sure I got in a little something today. Each of the small issues and challenges that get put in my way I will do my best to take a deep breath and hold to my resolve to be more patient and allow God to work in my life so that I can take the blessings that I am given and become a blessing to those with whom I come in contact today.

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