Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011 - Here we go...are you ready for this?

This first day of 2011, I am going to try writing to myself about the day past or ahead depending upon the time I sit down to write. This year I am going to work on a number of issues that tend to be weaknesses in my personality or character. I hesitate to call them "resolutions", although I have "resolved" these things need to be addressed; (so let's call them items of focus and attention)
*take time to LISTEN - to God, Especially! also to those around me and whoever I am talking with, give them my attention and hear what they are saying.
*be PATIENT - make a conscious effort to slow down and take a deep breath, to not be in such a hurry, to not jump to conclusions and let scenarios play out before I
become upset about a potential problem which may or may not develop.
*FORGIVE - let things go as quick as they come, to not let small things or perceived personal affronts become a focus of my attention.
*READ - Spend time daily reading something in my bible and then find other things to read that also intrigue or entertain me.
*WRITE - Each day I will write for this entire year, If not for published blogging, story telling or inspirational thoughts, I will write about my day. The mundane and everyday detail, my thoughts and activities for the whole year, one day at a time, logged in a monthly heading, (beginning today with January 2011).
*FLOSS & Take my Vitamins - I will floss my teeth every single day of this year with out exception or excuse and I will take a multiple vitamin daily.

I also will make an effort to workout and get into better shape, physically, mentally and spiritually...although not done in bold or caps, exercise and eating better are going to be staples and a foundation for everything else. ( I WILL DO 90DAYS OF P90X!)

WARNING: The following is pretty mundane and just me writing about my thoughts and the day I had, feel free not to read further as I'm not sure I even meant to write this for public comsuption, but I'm gonna post it anyway!

As I sit here for the first time on 1-1-11 it is 8pm and I have had a long day working and look forward to another long day working tomorrow. Julie and I have just watched one of the shows we like on dvr "undercover" about two CIA agents who are husband and wife and have crazy missions and adventures all while maintaining a loving caring marriage. Champ needed a little attention and I threw his tennis ball upstairs 10 times or so until he got tired and decided to go back to chewing his bone at our feet. He is such a great dog, our big yellow dog!

Today I worked for NBC as a runner/production assistant for Diana Solomon getting ready for the Sunday night football game tomorrow that will be the NFC West Championship game. I spent most of today running around, searching for a telephone that would accept a headset and then picking up miscellaneous items like bolts, nuts, washers, halogen work lights, wd40 and lithium grease spray. As a runner you pretty much do whatever they ask of you. I gave a tour of QWest stadium to the runners who will be working tomorrow, showing them each of the production trucks and the general layout of the television compound, A unit - production, B unit - video/tape, C unit - graphics & sports media, the break room and the location of the pregame meal for tomorrow. Then I took them and Diana on a tour of the stadium, different routes to get to the field, the press box and the NBC booth located in the press box as well as the location of the on field set for "Football Night in America" the pregame show before the Sunday night football game. For the past two days I have worked with another runner/pa Austen Willis (RD Willis' daughter, a jr at WSU) to help Diana get everything she needs set up and prepared for game day.

I still have to pick up al dente spaghetti on my way home from Toscano's restaurant for Dick Ebersole's , the executive director of NBC, lunch tomorrow when he arrives on sight. Then before taking on the mantel of utility I will finish up my runner/pa duties on my way in by stopping by Costco and renewing the membership for Diana's account and the two other cards on the account. It never ceases to amaze me the things I am asked to do as a runner on these network shows. The fact that I am making essentially $10/hour or $100 for the day, makes me stop and wonder what I have done that I need to take this kind of work? It's not hard, but it does say something that this is the kind of work I find myself doing. (I will look into this further as the year goes on)
Chance came up to the stadium to help get the Rams locker room set up for tomorrow. It is always great to see him. He spent new year's eve at Justin's house and he is heading back there when he got done with the visit locker room. He said they still had half a keg to get finished before he and Justin headed back over to Ellensburg tomorrow. Doug Walker is going to let him miss the game tomorrow as the move to the NBC Sunday night game now makes it a 5:30p start and wouldn't get Chance on the road back to the burg until around midnight. I am so proud of my son and hope that he can get back to college and figure out what he is going to do as far as post-college or continuing his education. There are a couple of concerns I have about him right now, but feel as a 21 year old, he needs the space to be able to make his own decisions without his "Dad" leaning on him. I have faith in God and pray for him to find the path to his own success and not the path to success I think he should take.

Tomorrow I will be working for the engineering side of the game, moving from the production runner/pa position to the field utility working with the hand held camera on the sideline of the game.

It will be my first real test with a couple of my items of focus for 2011, patience and forgiveness. I found out today the assignments for tomorrow and I am currently scheduled to be the hand held camera utility with a name I did not recognize. The hand held camera is the one which literally runs up and down the sideline during the game getting the shots of the game, players and anything else the director asks of him. It is a pretty demanding position for a utility as it is my job to make sure my camera man can get wherever he wants to go. While I am sincerely thankful for the work, I now know that I am working with a young man who has never worked a football game before and probably doesn't know how to handle cable or understand the concept of "cornering" that will assist me in getting our camera man to wherever he wants to go. This is the exact reason I quit working NFL for nearly a year and a half, as I consistently had to be the "hip" on the hand held while training a green corner guy to assist me. Being put in a position where I have to pay attention to the camera man in front of me and where he wants to go and also be aware of whats happening behind me with someone who may or may not be there is a stressful spot. I've done it on numerous occasions and have never not gotten my cameraman where he wanted to go, but the amount of work it takes and the stress of training someone new in a venue like an NFC Championship game is three times the amount of pressure. Hence, I will be immersed in patience tomorrow as I endeavor to fulfill my duties, while teaching someone how to do their job, which directly effects me.

Forgiveness will be holding hands with my test of patience as I need to let go of my feelings of being let down by someone. As he suggested my name to the crewer, he also brought along two of his friends who lack the experience and knowledge to do the jobs they are going to find themselves doing tomorrow. His "kindness" to his buddies to get them work of this kind is putting me in a position where I am going to have to carry one of them all day up and down the sideline. I mean I will literally be dragging him behind my on the cable trying to give him the insight and advice that will help him do his job to help me do mine. As I write this I am praying for forgiveness and putting faith in God that all will be well tomorrow and I am envisioning a scenario that is worse that what will actually be. It will all work out I am sure, I just need to keep my focus on the things that matter and not get caught up in the "poor me" syndrome that takes me down paths I choose not to travel any longer.

As 9pm nears and my second Samuel Adams is also nearing its demise, I will draw this dissertation to a close and leave something for tomorrow. January 1, 2011 has come and gone, nearly as fast as the whole of 2010! Did I accomplish anything today? How about last year? I woke up at 245 lbs...what am I gonna do about that? For now I will pick up my bible, read some 2 Corinthians and then head to bed to snuggle with my wonderful wife. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, no sense in trying to bring tomorrow into today, as today is all that I have!

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