Thursday, November 18, 2010

watch out for the yellow car...

Fingers tapping out a tune on the steering wheel waiting for the light to change. Country music coming from the speakers singing songs with words I can understand. I'm the third car back as the colors go from red to green the line of cars ahead of us isn't moving but the two cars in from of me pull forward. Cars sitting in each of the lanes facing into the intersection, just another normal occurrence with the growing gridlock of traffic. Debating whether to pull out and sit in the middle, even though my time is tight, the better call is staying where I at. I glance left and right, I look to the front and see that traffic is starting to move...

That's when it happens!

Out of the blue a yellow car comes hurtling from the right without a hesitation, no brakes, no veering, headlong into the pickup truck in front of me. The impact of the vehicles is frightening. The collision spun the mid-size pickup into the oncoming traffic lane directly into a jeep cherokee waiting in the left hand turn lane, crushing the front end. The yellow car never slowed or showed any hint that the driver was paying any attention whatsoever. A car going 35 miles per hour into a stationary truck is a scary sight to see. Shattered glass, torn metal and chunks of plastic exploded in a literal bang, bang scenario. Three vehicles essentially totaled in a matter of a couple of seconds, happening within a few feet of my car. My prayers immediately were for all involved to safe from harm, cars can be fixed, people are much more fragile. I was and am also extremely thankful for the Lord's hand of patience holding me back from inching into the intersection and keeping me out of the area of collateral damage.

As I drove my car around the chaos, the young female driver of the yellow car was getting out, the driver of the truck also exiting his vehicle obviously shaken. More than 10 of us had our phones out dialing 911, my first two attempts got an "all circuits are busy" response. Others had gone to the drivers of each of the cars and all seemed to be in hand, I finally connected with the 911 operator who said they were aware of the accident and had dispatched police and emergency aid to the scene. I left my name and contact information with the operator and hung up.

Needless to say, I was late for my appointment my 15 minutes, but I arrived safe and with a new or maybe not necessarily new, but a refreshed perspective. Each day I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me the opportunity to experience another day. To make something positive happen in my life and that of the people who I come in contact. I know that today, if I would have been pushing to get through that intersection, I would have been the fourth car in the accident. Each of the people involved did not have "get in an car wreck" today penciled in on their calendars. The actions of one person not paying attention to what was happening around them, caused thousands of dollars of damage to property, potentially injuring multiple people and creating a situation that will be more than just an inconvenience at least three families. God willing, each person directly impacted in the crash is unharmed and free from serious injury, my prayers are with them for a quick recovery from the bumps and bruises, soreness and pain that I am sure they are feeling.

Life can change in an instant. Regardless of the intention of your schedule or the plans you have made, you never know when a yellow car will appear out of nowhere with no concern for your well being and crush your front end. We are not guaranteed anything in life, just because you started a day, there is no guarantee you will finish it.

After more than 30 years of dating my girlfriend and nearly 24 years of being married to my wonderful wife, (glad they are the same girl!) each day before we part we make sure to tell each other that we love each other and a kiss goodbye. Daily I try to make sure that my children know that dad loves them. I never want to find myself in any situation that leaves me wishing I had at the very least told my family that I love them. Love is something that must be displayed and shown to be appreciated, you can't hide your love and expect it to blossom. Love needs to be in the light, nurtured and cared for. Love takes a kind, caring hand and needs a hand to hold. Don't be afraid to express your love and let those you care for know that you love them. You never know when that yellow car will come out of nowhere!

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