Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's not about the individual, but the contributions the individual makes

Well here goes...I wanted to write daily and post my thoughts, then I began writing and found that I then wanted to save the draft and go back, reread and edit my previous comments before I actually posted anything. (That didn't work out). This caused me to create a backlog of ideas and drafts that no seem incomplete as I look back at them and change, edit or adjust what I put down the night before. Consequently, nothing got posted! (more than 9 drafts just sitting in limbo).

In theory a good idea, but I found I was unable to regain my previous train of thought or tried putting a new spin on an idea or trying to sort out something that previously had seemed a ramble into a coherent (in my mind) order. I have found it just doesn't work. In talking with friends and others who have taken the time to read my diatribe and comment to me about what I have written, it has become apparent to me that it reallyd doesn't matter how polished I think a topic should be. The important thing is that I make the effort to get my thoughts down in this format and then let it go. That being said, "Thank you to all who have made comments to me and encouraged me to continue". Second guessing and self-doubt are a couple of my lesser qualties that I battle on a daily basis. I will endeavor to write in a manner that is easy to read and may even have a beneficial message contained within.

That being said...

Recently, (yesterday) I was given the opportunity to spend some time with a person who has had some unique experiences. He is exceptionally intellegent and well spoken. In our time together he graciously shared some of his experience with me. It has opened my eyes to things in myself that I want to also pass along. Caution, the following paragraphs may cause the reader some discomfort upon introspection...

Life is not about the individual (you and me), but it IS about the contributions of each individual. How we live our lives and the interactions we have with others are not just over and done. We create instances that we are each accountable for, like it or not. The bottom line is how do we treat others. No matter your religious bent, Catholic, Christian, Baptist, Mormon, Hindu, Muslim or whatever mantle you want to wear, our actions accrue to our individual accountability. It is really not about how you choose to worship or pray, how you choose to show your faith or lack there of, in the end you will find that it will be you and you alone having to speak on your own behalf for your own actions and decisions. We are each born with an inherent knowledge of right and wrong, an ability to express free will and the opportunity to make our decisions accordingly. I label myself a Christian and believe, no I know, that Jesus was sent to be our savior. He died for our sins and paved the way for our souls/spirit to have eternal life. Eternity is forever, our time here is but a blink in the scheme of things. But the result of our actions in that blink result in the determination of how we spend our eternity. Stop and think about that for a minute...

Heaven and hell are concepts created by man to help us deal with something beyond our comprehension. Jesus and other said over and over in the bible, "love one another" i.e. John 15:12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." 1Peter 4:8 " And above all things have fervent love for one another, for ""love will cover a multitude of sins."" Romans 13:8 "Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law". 1John 4:7-8 " Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." This goes on and on throughout the bible. Love and loving one another is the central theme of the bible. No matter what you want to call the Almighty, God, Allah, Father, The Big Guy, the All Knowing Spirit....whatever, it doesn't matter. Don't get caught up in the minor details. Love is the key to everything and how we express it to others is what really matters. To intentionally cause emotional harm to another is the worst thing a person can do. To attack another's spirit in a way that does damage to them in a malicious and hurt way knowing that your are doing it, is the greatest crime one can do to another. The fragile nature of the spirit can be irrepairably harmed and the resulting pain it causes accrues directly to the one doing the wrong. Certainly, we would not want to feel the pain being caused and many may feel that they don't care. They can rationalize their actions and tell themselves they are justified for whatever they are doing. A preceived wrong done to them that they are exacting retribution for may drive them to inflict the pain onto another. This is a dangerous road to follow. Remember, this life is but a blink of an eye...(not a very long time)

Here is the kicker...eternity is how long we will spend our existence after this lifetime tending to the consqences of our actions during this blink. If you had to endure each and EVERY intentional emotional pain you inflicted on another without interruption, in an endless loop, with no breaks, no sleep...just unending pain coupled with the realization that it was pain that you created (hell). Would it change the way your interact with others on a daily basis? Would you stop and think before you lashed out at a loved one, friend or stranger? How much effort does it take to forgive and love? Is the price of being mean, angry, hurtful or hateful and the perceived self-gratification worth and eternity of reliving the pain?

Freewill and the intellegence that God has imbued us with allows us to make our own decisions and conclusions. These are just thoughts that have been swirling in my mind for a long time and through the benefit of anothers insight have coalesced into what I have put down here. Right or wrong, coherent or crazy is for each of us to decide. I for one choose to LOVE, to forgive and make an effort to cause good to happen. To do what I can to inspire others to feel positive emotions and in some small way make a difference in the balance for good and evil, love and hate to the side of the ledger where Love and Good are credited. Not for my personal gain in this blink, but for the eternity where my spirit be called on to account for my actions. I CHOOSE TO LOVE!!!!!!

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