Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving eve...remembering to be thankful!

Thanksgiving eve...
Watching the news and the weather reports Sunday made me stop and think about all of the things I need to constantly remind myself that I am thankful for, each of the blessings in my life that only through the loving mercy of God am I able to obtain. A roof over my head, warm clothes to wear, a refrigerator full of food waiting to be prepared for a Thanksgiving feast, shared with family and friends. A day of shopping and picking up the last things on the grocery list brought home to me how incredibly blessed I truly am. So, with God in my heart I decided to forgo food until Thanksgiving day. It has been since 7pm on Sunday that my wife and I shared dinner together, nearly 67 hours ago.

As we sat together in the warmth of our home, the fireplace on and a happy dog at our feet, it dawned on me what a wonderful wife I have and how much love we share. Blessings come in all sizes and shapes. I am so thankful for my two great kids, both in college and maturing into outstanding young adults. This Thanksgiving we are hosting at our house. We will be serving dinner for close to 30 people and this doesn't include the 20 or so from my side of the family! To have a home that will accommodate that many people comfortably (maybe) is truly a blessing. We sat and discussed the up coming plans for getting everything ready when the lights flickered and we were without power. Thankfully, it lasted just about an hour and we were back to normal.

It was as we were sitting next to the fire that I thought it would be a good idea for me to spend a few days fasting leading into the Thanksgiving festivities. It is so easy to become complacent in our daily lives. Family, friends, food and so much we take for granted. Sacrificing food for a few days has helped me to appreciate and remember that there are so many people today who have so much less than I do. People that will go hungry today, not by choice but by circumstance. Even without the luxury of a full fridge to forage in, I have the blessing of a fridge! I have the warmth of a nice home, filled with love and caring. We each have our individual destinies, our roles to play in life and the paths we choose to follow. It is how we choose to live our lives that show the character of our being. Taking a step back on occasion to view our life from a perspective outside of the daily grind may surprise you when you realize all that you do have.

God is truly awesome in so many ways. The blessings are all around you, be thankful!

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