Friday, August 20, 2010

perspective is how you view it...

Some days just don't seem to work out the way we plan. When you wake in the morning, a list in mind for the day ahead, a plan of attack ready to be implemented...Once out from under the covers it's all out the window! Forget the list of "To Do" items, forget the organized schedule to get items crossed off the list of things to do, the time frame to get it all done. Nope, just slap on a smile and face the day! First off, missed bible study for the third week in a row, (had excuses for the last two weeks Julie said stay in bed!) had all intentions when I went to bed, even got up with Julie's alarm at 5:15am - TOTALLY forgot it was Friday and I was going to bible study at 6am. Now when I woke at 7:24, that's when I remembered! The dog needs to be fed, taken for a run at the park, come back home to make breakfast for the kids who are barely out of bed at 10am, head off to work to find that most of the time is spent wasting time and we are going to work less time than I spent driving to and from the venue. All is not lost, tonight I can look forward to a nice quiet evening at home with the family. The battle of 90 minutes through the four lane parking lot from Seattle to Tacoma more commonly known as I-5 to find out that drama has struck 100 miles east and my wife and daughter must depart for Ellensburg with hardly time for kisses, fits right into the way my day has gone. What are you gonna do? just smile and say I love you two, drive safe!

So now it looks like an evening at home with my son and his dog, first gotta take Champ the wonder dog, back to the park to play with the other dogs and throw the frisbee for him. (I know he is gonna take Julie's side of the bed tonight and I want him to sleep well!) This is not how I had envisioned my day when I awoke this morning. I heard awhile ago a great quote, I believe attributed to Phyllis Diller..."If you want to make God laugh, just tell Him your plans" boy is that nothing but the gospel truth! Don't get me wrong, my day was wonderful and I have a fantastic family, wife, son daughter...but this wasn't the day that I had in mind when I went to bed last night.

Never fear, all is not lost and the drama will be worked through with a little application of parental/adult moderation...but I will have to sleep alone in bed...well alone under the sheets. I've got a 100 lb yellow lab who will take my wife's side of the bed tonight and tomorrow night. Chance and I will both be working the Seahawks game tomorrow, he is in the Packer's locker room and I will be working for the Packers visit tv show as the stage manager in the booth. It will be a long day at QWest field but there are certainly much more strenuous jobs that one could be doing for "work".

So the end result is Costco pepperoni pizza and a few Kokanee's for Chance and I as Donica drives Julie back to Ellensburg to iron out some roommate and lease issues that have blossomed over the past few days. A mundane day of "what the heck" and "go with the flow" no sense trying to change the flow of the river just because I think I'm a rock...perspective is what you make of it and nothing more than how you look at something. Stop take a look and then stop and look at it again from another point of view, then just stop and will be alright! :-)

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